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Legislative Conference a Huge Success

The New York State Laborers' Organizing Fund and the Laborers' PAC were proud to have hosted a two day event in Albany, NY this spring.

Click HERE for more photos.

The first day highlighted speakers including General Secretary-Treasurer & New England Regional Manager Armand E. Sabitoni, as well as NYS Senator Neil Breslin, NYS Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, and MTA Special Advisor for Agency Operations & Initiatives John J. McCarthy.

That evening, the NYS Laborers held a legislative reception, which was well attended by legislators from around the state and labor representatives. At one point, New York Senator Diane Savino addressed the crowd about the importance of voting NO to a Constitutional Convention. Here are her words:

The following day, members from the various locals organized and met with their representatives to further the Laborers' political agenda. Here were some of the many discussion points:

Definition of Public Works:

  1. Support for Assembly Bill A.5498, sponsored by Assembly Member Bronson.

  2. Support for Senate Bill S.2975, sponsored by Senator Murphy, which defines “public works” to include the prevailing wage law.

Worker Safety:

  1. Support Assembly Bill A02966, sponsored by Assembly Member Moya, which punishes employers for unsafe conditions on their job sites, resulting in worker injury or death.

  2. Support Assembly Bill A06738, sponsored by Assembly Member Barnwell, which relates to creating mandatory training and qualifications of workers in the construction and demolition of buildings.

Water Infrastructure:

  1. Support increased fund allocations to address water quality projects throughout New York State.

  2. Instances like in Flint, Michigan, where lead contaminated the city's drinking water supply, could be prevented with the proper investment and support.


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