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LIRR 3rd Track Is A Go - $1.95B plan OKd
After nearly 70 years of advocacy and failed proposals, the 3rd Track is finally a reality. The New York State Organizing and PAC Funds,...

Third Track Project Gains Momentum at Public Hearings
NYSLOF recognizes there is a crucial problem with Long Island's transportation… They also know there is a solution in the works. The...

Schumer Pledges to Work on Long Island Infrastructure Bill
U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) said he will work early next year to craft an infrastructure bill that he says will help modernize Long...

Cuomo Announces Completion of New Track for LIRR Double Track
Governor Cuomo announced the completion of new track laying between Central Islip and Ronkonkoma for the LIRR Double Track project. The...

NYSLOF Supports Crucial 3rd Track in Long Island
Both supporters and opponents of a proposed third track on the LIRR’s Main Line had the opportunity to present their side to state...
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