Northern Access Project Hearings
The DEC held three public hearings on National Fuel’s Northern Access Project.
National Fuel proposes to build 97 miles of pipeline from McKean County, PA. through Allegany, Cattaraugus and Erie Counties. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued its approval of National Fuel's pipeline project on February 3rd.
Over 225 members from Local Unions 91, 621 and 210 – participated over the course of three nights. Richard Palladino, Business Manager of Local 91 was quoted as saying “The long-term benefit for the pipeline is for the people who will use it as a consumer.”
Sam Capitano, Business Manager of the Upstate New York Laborers District Council said, “This is part of our career and these pipelines have been a great addition to our workforce every year, he said the project will have a trickle-down effect because these high paying jobs will give workers more money to spend in the community. The project has been delayed long enough, I think our public officials, the DEC need to act finally, get some guts, and make a decision.”