New Market Project Slated to Boost Upstate Economy

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) held three hearings upstate on the Dominion New Market air permits for natural gas compressor stations.
The power and energy company Dominion Resources only needs the air quality permits from the DEC in order to break ground on the project. The company aims to transport an additional 100,000,000 cubic feet of natural gas per day through approximately 200 miles of existing pipeline that runs through the state.

NYS LECET and New York State Laborers' Organizing Fund participated in the voicing support for the project on the grounds it would benefit the local economy and boost local business.
“At this time…our employees, subcontractors, our union members…would like to urge the DEC to approve these permits following the public comment period.”
- LMC Industrial Contractors
NYS LECET and New York State Laborers' Organizing Fund will be working with the locals in Corning, NY and the surrounding areas to help with moving this project forward.